⚠️ Dear Miners, Please be advised that you may occasionally observe fluctuations in the User Interface Estimated Balance, particularly for currencies such as DGB, XVG, and DOGE. Rest assured that these discrepancies are purely visual and do not affect your actual earnings, which are securely maintained separately.
🔴🟡🟢 Dear Miners you are kindly invited to try our new pools http://mexc.1pool.org . Thu Nov 7th .
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Dear miners we need miners using iPollo , BOMBAX , ForestMiner ASICs to test with our ETC Pool ,just send us couple of shares to help us debug . We confirmed Bitmain's E9 and Jasminers Asics + GPUs on the same universal port . ... Wed Dec 4th ....
⚠️ Dear ZEC Miners, we are still testing new wallet updates ,therefore we have to delay daily payout we will try our best to execute payment every 3-5 days . All of your accepted shares are saved and secured ✅ . Tue Jan 14 2025 .
Thanks for mining with us 💜
wallet | overall hashrate |
wallet | worker | hashrate |
txid | amount | applyTime |